sábado, 9 de junio de 2018

Speak (Latham, 1962)

 "It will live in your mind". -- Ray Durgnat.
Dura 10 minutos. Reseña vía Kenneth Goldsmith--
Being obsessed with this recording I did a search of the forum archives and only saw two or three mentions of it. I imagine that lots of fans aren't aware it exists. IMO this is the Floyd holy grail. It also might be the most obscure Pink Floyd recording of all. As far as I know none of the members of the Floyd have even mentioned it in interviews. 
A little back-story...John Latham was one of the more controversial conceptual artists in the 1960's (think Yoko Ono, Fluxus). A couple of Latham's films, most notably Speak, were projected behind the Floyd's live set at the International Times launch at the Roundhouse in October '66 and later at a few shows in early 1967. He also had something to do with a 1/67 gig at the Commonworth Institute in London. It was mentioned in a local paper but the description it pretty vague. Anthony Stern thought he did some sort of set design. Back to the soundtrack. 
Speak is an 11 minute animated film that was known for it's intense flicker/strobe effect when shown in London area psychedelic clubs. That being the case Latham thought the Floyd would be a good match for its soundtrack. 


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