sábado, 29 de marzo de 2014

Bailarina animatrónica habitará en tus pesadillas.

Esto es una muñeca. No es real. La pieza es una escultura animatrónica hecha por el artista Jordan Wolfson. Impresionan, por no decir 'meten miedo', la fluidez de las articulaciones, la voz de la muñeca, etc.
Presented here for the first time, Wolfson’s animatronic sculpture combines film, installation, and performance in the figure of a curvaceous, scantily clad woman covered in dirt marks and wearing a witch mask. Unlike the artist’s two-dimensional subjects, this life-size character was developed in close collaboration with a special effects studio in California used by major Hollywood productions. The woman can be encountered on a one-on-one basis in a mirrored room in the gallery, creating a different kind of viewing experience that intensifies the importance of the gaze found throughout Wolfson’s work.

La mirada.. Y los dedos, los fucking dedos...

Para complementar este blog post, sugiero una visita a Cybor-licious

h/t a io9.

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