lunes, 9 de junio de 2014

El Evangelio según PKD (Dickhead III)

He leído unas pocas de sus novelas; algunos de los cuentos los escucho vía Internet Archive; llevo casi dos años leyendo su exégesis; su evangelio lleva más de 30 años en el cine. 

La siguiente lista--con 7 artworks--la hizo él*. Son siete novelas; se refiere a ellas como** 

"[T]he summation of my Kerygma
spread throughout my works":

"Occlusion of our minds, without our being aware of it;
loss (forgetfulness) of true identity"

"What our world is really like always like which the occlusion
is deliberately there to keep us from seeing"

"Who/what deliberately occludes us: the Yaltabaoth Magician 
evil deity, spinner of spurious worlds, creator of illusion and 
inhabiting, contaminating (unclean) presence 
in these degraded pseudo worlds"

"The negative hallucination MO of the occlusion, and refe-
rence to Savior who extricates us from a hopeless
trap and pseudo world"

"The salivific entity pe se, by name and how its 
"Pansophiaistic" messages come through the trash 
layers to aid us. Past available within the present"

"A vital theme, that of Mercer and his reality 
through some sort of mystic identification
via empathy" 

"Alternate universes exist."

*Más info sobre Dick, aquí, aquí & aquí.
**Lista tomada del Folder 19, septiembre-octubre del '78.
Páginas 403 -- 407 de la Exégesis de PKD

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