Basada en Les 120 journées de Sodome ou l'école du libertinage |
Salò contains at least four temporal layers: the time it was made (1975); the period of the last year of the Italian Fascist puppet government under Mussolini in Salò, on Lago di Garda, in Northern Italy (1944–45); the novel The 120 Days of Sodom, or The School of Licentiousness, written by the Marquis de Sade in 1785; and the epic Divine Comedy (1308–21) of Dante. Pasolini poses these temporalities analogically and metaphorically, at the heart of which is his revulsion for contemporary society, commodified and consumerist, as it seemed to him, even to the last refuge of resistance and freedom (the body, sexuality, language).La colgué completa; está en italiano, con subtítulos en inglés (para poder ver los subtítulos, tiene que prender los captions que provee Youtube):
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