lunes, 21 de diciembre de 2020

Un cuento corto y un poema

Fairy lights in femtoseconds, aquí

My Prime Directive: guide them to fight La Última Gran Guasábara.

Code put here — in gossamer neural networks — weaved from data gathered by Puertorricana Collectors, assessed by The Guabancex Council. The neural blur will be made clear to you — you’ve no choice. This unmoored likeness of my head is programed to populate the span of your REMs. Let’s begin with The Puertorricana Collectors: people that accepted a Singularity, or Synths that embraced some sort of Humanity. They’re encyclopedists and archaeologists; collectors and cultural debris scholars [...]


Imagen vía

Cayeron las torres
& todo es metáfora & lloripari,
Precariedad & abandono [...]

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